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Our Hiring Process

At APL, we endeavor to make the hiring process as smooth and efficient as possible. The general recruitment policy is designed on a need basis which is continuously monitored by the HR Department.

The procedure involves the following steps:

Announcement of Job Opening (s) Collection of Applications Scrutinizing & Short listing Evaluation Test/Interview

There is usually a series of interviews for management positions starting from the one with Line and HR Manager in which candidates are evaluated on technical as well as on behavioral grounds. The next interview of short-listed candidates is then scheduled with the Department Head and finally with the CEO.

Employment may be contingent upon:

Post job offer medical examination Verifiable personal and professional references (Two Each) Clearance from previous employer (if applicable) and Undertaking of Confidentiality and Ethics & Business Practices Agreement

Failing in any of the above may result in inevitable delays and/or cancellation of employment offer.