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Job Opportunities


It is for the information of general public that recently some bogus job advertisements mentioning the name of Attock Petroleum Limited are circulating on internet by some unscrupulous elements, who are also demanding payment of processing fee from the applicants.

All the general public is hereby warned that no such job advertisement have been initiated by Attock Petroleum Limited recently, hence they should refrain from sharing their personal information against such ads. Moreover, payment of processing fee etc. has never been required for applying for job in Attock Petroleum Limited.

Attock Petroleum Limited will not be held liable for personal data shared or any payments made thereof by anyone against such advertisements.

Attock Petroleum Limited, only advertises its job opportunities via print media (Newspapers) or on Company’s website ( Please feel free to contact Human Resource Department if you have any query.

Tel: 92-51-5127250-54